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I want to create a more diverse art, with different ideas to show different skills. For this piece, I want to create a simple outlook that has deep meanings and a lot about the work. For my part in society, I have given a debrief and a plan that I want to look into children's imagination and how they play and create stories through plastic toys. My first ideas for art in society was to make a wall piece in a hospital that looks into children imaginations, This is what I want my final piece to be so for a part of the methodology I also want to start to look at  how a child plays and what toys are their favorite all of this part of the project will be research leading up to my final wall piece.

Idea 1 

For this idea I have photographed children to use in my art work this is so I can study the way the children act and so I can paint the faces of the children. This will help me when I visit hospitals and socialize and play with the ill children to understand their imaginary and the way they play with the toys. I also took this photoshoot of little children as it's their strongest age to play and be imaginative. 

Idea 3 

I have constructed 2 of the dinosaurs on canvas and I like the way these have turned out in a pop art way, so I am going to experiment with colours and have to 1 for the dinosaur and one for the canvas, I have created many more of the canvases ranging in various sizes ones with large dinosaurs on a small canvas and the opposite way around. This is to try out what looks better for the final outcome. I wanted to make a wall art so you can see all the canvas together so its one big piece. 

Idea 2 

I wanted to create a canvas with different toys on what children like to play with so I gathered toys from different shops. I didn't want to keep the toys the same as when I bought them, I wanted to make them different so I thought of painting them in block colour. I tried to use acrylic paint to cover them over but the paint didn't stick in areas so I used spray paint to get full coverage on the toys. After I tried using different toys such as toy soldiers, Disney toys. I wanted to keep with one kind of toy and keep it as a theme. When I was taking the photos of the little boy he said his favorite toys are his dinosaurs and this is the toy I wanted to continue with. 

Idea 4 

I wanted to create this idea of the dinosaurs on the canvas to show childhood memories and children's favorite toys. I have thought of a deeper meaning to my work that related to my last year's project. The dinosaur is the symbol of what we had on this planet when we didn't have problems with the earth like carbon dioxide, deforestation, animal cruelty and killing them for a sport that will cause extinction. The dinosaurs that are stuck on canvas are plastic and this is the symbol of what we have now all the problems with the human population wiping everything out. 

Idea 5 

When thinking of deeper meaning into the dinosaur canvas. These dinosaurs are extinct and a lot of animals are becoming extinct through reasons such as poaching and trophy hunting. I have made this idea by cutting the dinosaurs head off to create the feeling they are being displayed as trophies, this is what walls in poachers houses will look like full of rare species such as dinosaurs. Also, I made a different one by the dinosaur ripping through the canvas I done this by ripping the canvas and attaching cardboard on the back so I had something to stick the dinosaurs head onto. Another idea was to half the dinosaur and sticking the head on the front of a piece of wood and he body on the back. 

Idea 7

For another way to use the dinosaurs in my work, I wanted to use them as stencils, so I spray painted over the top of them on a different colour card this was also to see what colours would match and contrast together. I think the stencil dinosaurs look like silhouettes. the dinosaurs outline is created to empathise when there is a murder scene the police then outline and this is created on the canvas. I like this experiment because it shows that we have the death of the dinosaurs on the grounds where we walk on today and there is still the bones buried underneath every man-made building 

Idea 6 

 I want to show childhood imagination and how the child plays with toys. I have created my next photo shoot on this by getting a child to play with the dinosaurs I have spray painted, this was to see what stories he could come up with when playing with the figures. I enjoyed watching and recording the little boy's actions and what he could come up with when playing with the dinosaurs. 

Idea 8 


                            The final piece 

videos to go with idea 6

More images from this project 

Taking my art in society onwards I want to make a video/film piece. I want to create a video were someone is dressed in a costume of a dinosaur, this would be the participant interaction. If I was to plan this photoshoot now I would buy a giant blowy up dinosaur costume and then create a poster or sign up sheet who would wear the costume for a performance piece this would make my work more theatrical. Linking to the canvas I would either spray paint the costume or see if I could buy one all one color,  then I would use a bright coloured studio backdrop to relate to the canvas block colours. If I didn't want to make it a theatrical piece I could also make it as a protesting piece of what we had then and what we have now in the world such as the pollution. 

Another idea to continue with art in society is to create a video or film that is linking to my government project. looking more into how the government is controlling us through the newspapers and the news. A different topic would be to show how they are controlling us through the media like televisions and what is put out in the world in that way. My idea would be to make a video of someone trapped in television who is trying to escape the government. In this, I want to create it similar but in my way to The 1975s music video "Love it if we made it" were it is blurring in and out to what is happening in the world. Another way to create this video is to have the person banging on the television and then over the top having conspiracy stories and facts about the government. 

For this idea, I want to investigate how to display the video if I can display it on televisions in different buildings.  I have researched into this and wanted to play the video on the tv in the computer room in the art building so people coming in and out can see it. I want to let other students and people see it so I am thinking of porting it on the television in the city campus. I also want to make it into a projection on a building. These are different ways I can display the video I am going to make.

I have already taken the images and got the person to talk about the conspiracy theories I want to look know how it all works together. 

The final piece would be to project one of these videos on a building to show people a different way how to display artwork. 

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