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Marcelo Bordese 

Bordese creates images that relate to Christianity and slaughter of animals this is because he wants to show that Christians don't believe in animal slaughter and he is publishing it in his art so people can see this and think of the consequences of animals. they way that Mordese adds in the crosses make me more think they are about Christianity and that these images are about sacralized that humans should sacrifice there lives instead of animals all the time. In all of his paintings they are half animals and half human this suggests he's saying we are both equal in the world. In the painting that I have inserted to the right, the person in left corner is tied up and looks like is being forced testy they along time and is using a bag as the toilet these could say that when animals are being tortured and in small spaces like cages when there is free range farming the animals dispose their urine all over them because of how scared they are. 

Brodese uses colours that are dark and eerie, the painting is painted in this way I think to show that they are from an ancient era as when I visited art galleries a lot of paintings that are from a later era are painted in an old colourway. I like how you can see faintly and more sharply in other paintings scratch marks this could mean that they link with the animals, as when animals are getting slaughtered a slow death could suggest the furry in them and he has a lot of slaughtered animals in his artwork. In some of his artwork, it looks like there is symbolize or some kind of witchcraft and these are the ingredients or symbolize behind them. 

I am highly interested in the painting withe heads of animals and bodies of humans that are getting hung this could mean that this is a way that animals get killed. Another part of the image I like the most is the way he has put a light or a large highlight behind the animals heads, a painting that has the same effect is a stainless of Jesus this could symbolize a saint or something that is good in the image. Another part of the image I like is if you look closely into the stomach you can see a faint outline of a baby this can resemble the life of Christianity. 

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