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Sue Coe

I have been inspired by this artist to create graphics, sensitive and cold-hearted artwork as when I browsed through all her pieces of work I have found that she has developed a passion to stop cruelty to animals. In her artwork, she has shown a huge social protest against every animal torture such as circuses, farming, and slaughtering of animals in different ways. The reasoning for her strong belief in stopping animal torture is that she grew up close to a slaughterhouse and she would be able to smell the awful smells of death, blood, and fear. 

Coe adds in the text to her artwork to create more of a meaning behind her art to make it more impactful. She adds the writing in bold and red this is so the viewers are drawn to that part of the painting and stands out from the black and white. The color links with blood to show the death and slaughter of the animals and she has related the text to the image to show how there is a related story behind the meaning of the word and show that the lettering backs up the painting.

In all of her pieces of work, the lettering is positioned differently, for example, one is in eggs to resemble the chickens and the meaning in the piece of work.  the words flow into the background and make more of a movement and to show how her motions flow. 



I have noticed in her work that she hasn't created realistic drawings of the animals she has created more of a cartoon, poster and theatrical look to her paintings. her aft work is set out and is in a style of a magazine this suggests that these drawings are going to be published for a campaign 

 I have been more focused, interested and inspired by one of sue coes paintings of the pigs getting tortured. In the background of the image, you can see concentration camps from world war 2 this image as more of a depressive meaning behind it. The way it is displayed to me is that the pigs are getting slaughtered for the jews to eat and it is not in the religion to eat this meat or I feel that the jews are getting displayed as the pigs and this is how the jews where slaughtered and killed in the world war like animals are in modern society are getting kept in cages that relates to the concentration camp.

 I have read a blog what Sue Coe says about her meaning of the painting: "It’s impossible to generalize about how any one person can perceive anything. They will respond to images in a unique way. I am certainly not equating gassing hogs with gassing human beings, as I rarely use analogies or symbols. I stay within reality, reportage if possible. It is interesting that ritual slaughterhouses are shared between Hal-Al and Kosher slaughter, two cultures working together in that not so proverbial sea of blood.

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