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Harlows monkeys 

In these images, the monkeys are kept in small tight cages struggling to move. The expressions that the monkeys give is depressed you can tell this because of the little space they have to move and they have already been taken from there mothers to be tested on. I do not agree that we should test on animals and this is why I want to make art about it to sop and publish more about animals rights. 

John Bowlby is a psychologist who wanted to look into the attachment theory this is when as a child you attach to your parents he wanted to see how a monkey would react when they are taken away from the mother at a young age and wanted to see how and what they would attach to instead of their mother. I wanted to look into him because he works with animals but does so cruelty. one of these is when he has to take the monkeys away from the parents from a young age, this is cruel just so he can receive data for his lab experiment. this experiment was a longitudinal this means that he would have had to keep the monkeys over a period of time to get valid and generalized data. I wanted to look into him more for art purposes because he makes videos on the animals and how they cope. 

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